Ninety percent of Coloradans to be Covered by 2015

For Immediate Release
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DENVER, CO - The leaders of the Colorado Health Foundation, Connect for Health Colorado, the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing and the Colorado Division of Insurance set a goal of getting ninety percent of Coloradans covered, at the Building Better Health: Enroll 2015 conference, which was organized by the four partner organizations. That would result in an additional 300,000 Coloradans obtaining coverage.

More than 310,000 people gained health insurance coverage through Connect for Health Colorado or Medicaid during 2014 open enrollment, a number that has risen to more than 400,000 as those with life changes, such as marriage or relocation, have also enrolled in coverage.

This goal will include the challenge of reaching those who still haven’t enrolled in health insurance even though they may be eligible for Medicaid or tax credits through Connect for Health Colorado.

Nearly 800 people attended the conference this week, including health coverage guides, assistance site navigators, certified application counselors, brokers, community-based organizations and health advocates working to enroll Colorado’s uninsured in coverage.

“This group did incredible work getting Coloradans enrolled in 2014. They play a critical role in educating not just consumers, but also the system to ensure we are getting as many Coloradans covered this enrollment period as possible,” said Anne Warhover, president and CEO of the Colorado Health Foundation.

By combining the training and information provided by each partner organization, the Building Better Health conference supported a “no wrong door” approach to ensure Coloradans seeking health insurance don’t encounter barriers to accessing care.

In addition, the results of two research studies on how to reach remaining uninsured Coloradans were presented. The studies highlight the success of Colorado’s 2014 open enrollment period, and indicate that the remaining uninsured are among the most challenging to reach. The studies also include information on how to reach those audiences.

The studies are:

About the Colorado Health Foundation
The Colorado Health Foundation is singularly focused on helping Coloradans live their healthiest lives by advancing opportunities to pursue good health and achieve health equity through grantmaking, policy and advocacy, strategic private investments and convening to drive change. For more information, please visit

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