Optimize Patient Portal Implementation

Robust portal use by patients supports efficiencies in the clinic and gives providers a powerful tool to engage their patients. Optimization describes the period when the focus has shifted from enrollment to encouraging portal use. Medical staff are often the most powerful motivators in helping turn enrollees into users.

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Sustain a Successful Patient Portal Deployment

When high priority portal features and functions are implemented and a critical mass of patients enroll and use is achieved, the deployment project ends and sustainment mode begins. A thoughtful transition will maintain portal gains. It is especially important to transfer the responsibility for maintaining the portal from deployment staff to staff members with continuing roles.

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Evolve Project Oversight and the Leadership Role

The transition to sustainment mode often requires changes from the leadership team who oversaw the design and deployment of the portal. Transfer leadership and oversight roles to standing teams, departments or committees.

Track and Respond to Changes in Portal Software and Clinic Workflows

Clinic workflows are dynamic. Electronic medical records and portal systems are also constantly changing. If metrics are not monitored frequently and changes made when required, even the most successful portal project will see its hard-earned gains lost.

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