Access to Care

General Operating Support

Bring a united consumer voice to and build support for changes in the health system that expand coverage, reduce barriers, ensure quality, and increase affordability, with a focus on the private insurance marketplace.

MSU Denver Department of Nursing Dual Enrollment Pathway Program

Implement a Dual Enrollment Pathway Program in the Nursing Department. The RN-BSN dual enrollment pathway allows students to complete some BSN credits at MSU Denver while completing their nursing coursework at their community college, and receive a BSN degree in four years.

General Operating Support

Build financial sustainability through improved billing systems and continue integrated behavioral health services.

Document Procurement Initiative

Build upon the expertise, efficiencies and contacts developed during the past six years, and use technology to dramatically enhance staff's ability to address health coverage barriers due to lack of documentation.

Colorado Avenue Capital Expansion

Expand clinical space at Colorado Avenue clinic to increase number of patients served and provide more integrated care. $500,000 of the total amount awarded is a program-related investment.

Colorado eHealth Connections

Accelerate the expansion of health information exchange (HIE) connections and data sharing with health care providers, increase rural adoption of HIE services, and develop a patient engagement strategy in order to facilitate consumer access to health information. $1.5 million of the total amount awarded is a program-related investment.

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