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Disinformation About Gangs in Aurora

DENVER - A false narrative surrounding Aurora has emerged in news media and political discourse, including the recent Presidential Debate. This disinformation has painted Aurora as a community overrun by gangs and crime. Select local news outlets are working to counter this disinformation, and we believe the focus should be on housing conditions and holding property managers accountable.  

We have grantees and community partners in Aurora who are engaged in the situation and who have shared their perspectives with us. We also have information and context through our own engagement. 

We believe that substandard housing conditions and negligent property management are key contributors to the challenges faced by residents. The displacement of residents on 14th and Nome Street exemplifies this, as their building was condemned due to years of neglect by out-of-state property managers. The issues around building safety have been going on for years and are being addressed by the City of Aurora.

Unfortunately, Aurora, like many cities, faces challenges like crime and violence. However, there is no reason to believe that crime in Aurora is being driven by migrants or immigrant communities.  

We must work together to address the real issues facing our community, focusing on solutions that support the health and well-being of all residents rather than disparaging our neighbors.

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