Katherine Rosechild
Katherine has witnessed a lot of change. She has been with the Foundation for 35 years and has been an integral part of the team as we grew from a three-person fundraising organization to where we are now. Thirty years ago, they got involved in information technology, which has also transformed significantly during that time.
Given the rate of technological change, the field is never stagnant and always exciting for Katherine. They work behind the scenes to keep things humming along at the Foundation, striving to stay ahead of the curve with technology that enables our team members to do good work. They hold a deep commitment to making a difference in the lives of those across the state.
Some of Katherine’s favorite things: laughter, dancing, listening to music, solitude, wine with friends, aspens, cool weather, and outdoor fires. Fall is Katherine's favorite time of year to spend a weekend in a well-equipped cabin in the woods. They don't go camping, they go “cabining.”
Katherine says that the very best part of life, though, is family. Katherine and their partner, Kristine, are the proud mamas of three smart, funny, and strong individuals who are purely joy, and they believe, it does take a village!
Loretto Heights College
University of Colorado, Denver
Colorado Women’s College, University of Denver