
Confianza - Confidence

Confianza (Confidence) equips parents with the resources and the confidence to assist their 15-18 years old youth in dealing with issues they are facing, which will lead to decreases in negative behaviors and increased graduation rates leading to youth and families who have improved quality of life.

Creating Positive Power in Youth

Train, provide and support Fresh Start, Love Notes, and Coaching Boys Into Men curricula to combat dating violence, stalking and sexual assault in Middle and High School students.

Girls Rule the World

Develop female leadership among refugee and immigrant youth in southwest and central Aurora through programming that encourages self esteem, mental health first aid, suicide awareness and prevention.

Mind and Movement (Mente y Movimiento)

Engage more children to participate in physical activity during school that includes a weekly mindful class, creating space where students can communicate their needs through writing. Students will learn tangible skills to self-regulate their emotions, be able to identify challenges and struggles and understand how their breathing influences stress and emotional challenges.

Freedom Springs Supportive Housing

Provide social services to homeless veterans living at Freedom Springs, a 50-unit affordable supportive housing community located in Colorado Springs.

Just Housing

Assist low-income Coloradans in maintaining affordable and habitable housing by: 1) utilizing Colorado Poverty Law Project's volunteer network of attorneys to provide advice and direct legal representation of individuals who are at-risk of eviction or lack habitable living conditions; 2) educating tenant organizations and other support organizations on low-income tenant rights; and 3) working with courts and advocacy groups to improve laws and procedures.

Low-income Housing Advocate

Expand the current Family Development services by adding a half-time Advocate who will focus primarily on outreach and support for families living in the Aspinwall and Kestral affordable housing complexes in Lafayette and with families who have children attending Title 1 Alicia Sanchez International Elementary School. The goal is to assist these families from crisis management and eviction prevention to becoming financially and housing secure long-term.

City of Lakewood Homeless Outreach Program

Strengthen community health by decreasing the incidence of homelessness in Lakewood. Community navigators will improve service access for people who are homeless in Lakewood and increase coordination of community resources and services.

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