
Focus Area: Champion Power Shifting
People holding equity sign

The Colorado Health Foundation believes public policies and systems should reflect Coloradans’ health priorities, particularly those informed by low-income communities and people of color.

We envision a future in which Coloradans’ interests and priorities are placed front and center in public policy decisions that influence health.

Why It Matters

Advocacy is the act of supporting, promoting or speaking out in favor of a cause or idea to influence or bring about change, particularly changes to public policies.

Local, state and federal public policy decisions impact Coloradans’ health and well-being in many ways. Public policy-making has long favored individuals, communities and institutions with more power, privilege and resources. It has often excluded people living on low incomes and communities of color.

Advocacy is a critical way to support and highlight the voices of Coloradans who have not historically had opportunities to influence public policy or engage with policymakers on issues they care most about. Supporting broader, more representative voices in public policy can contribute to policy outcomes that improve and advance health equity.

How We Will Reach Our Vision

  • Provide strategic funding and other supports to advocacy and public policy efforts that advance health equity
  • Leverage the Foundation’s voice and influence to inform and advance more equitable health-related policies
  • Create and support ways for Coloradans to express their opinions on health equity-related matters


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