Building the Sunrise WIC Program: Recruitment and Retention of Participants in Weld County

Sunrise Community Health Center
2930 11th Avenue
Evans, CO 80620

Project Name
Building the Sunrise WIC Program: Recruitment and Retention of Participants in Weld County
Grant Period
Geographic Area Served
Funding Opportunity
Women Infants and Children Innovation
Project Description

Increase caseload in Weld County by 12% at the end of the 2-year project in two phases. The plan includes hiring an outreach coordinator who will conduct focus groups and drive project development. Key activities will include increased collaboration with partner agencies, mobile outreach, hosting events, co-location of WIC appointments with partners, and improving marketing materials based on available data.

Congressional District

Grant details are accurate as of the original grant award. For more information about a specific grant, please contact [email protected].

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