Equity & Justice

The Colorado Health Foundation is committed to health equity and racial justice. We're a diverse, inclusive and equity-centered champion for the health and well-being of Coloradans. We collaborate with organizations and communities across the state to break down the many systemic barriers to achieving health and well-being. Because racism and racial injustice are major drivers of health inequity, we prioritize communities of color in all that we do, and we advocate for and invest in solutions and policies that drive health equity and racial justice.

Our commitment extends to all aspects of our work — both internally and in the communities we exist to serve. Here's how we hold ourselves accountable.

The Colorado Health Foundation has chosen 10 priority areas where we believe our efforts can make a real difference in the health of people throughout Colorado. We know that these areas are connected and if we address them, together, we can make an impact on the unfair differences in health and opportunities that exist in Colorado.

To ensure health is in reach for all Coloradans, The Colorado Health Foundation supports community-informed solutions that drive health equity and racial justice. Learn more about our funding types and connect with a program officer assigned to your area if you have questions.

Evaluation is a way to inform and improve our work, while helping others understand our approaches and the difference we’re making as a Foundation. Learn more about our learning and evaluation work.

To help all Coloradans live their healthiest lives, we work closely with partners across the state. Together, we work to advance our critical policy advocacy goals across all 10 priority areas. Learn more about our policy advocacy work and how we're working with advocates and policy makers across the state.

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