kids smiling outside

We believe health and well-being can be in reach for everyone.

So we collaborate with organizations and communities in Colorado to break down systemic inequalities that stand in the way of our health.

At the Heart of the Matter

Join us for Bold Breakthroughs: Shaping Narratives in Shifting Times, a virtual conversation featuring Dr. Tiffany Manuel and Karen McNeil-Miller.

The State of Procurement and Grantmaking in Colorado

A new report explores innovative solutions to build more equitable social service delivery across Colorado.
Ballot Measures

2024 Local Ballot Measure Tracker

It's Live!
Gain insight into the issues in your community or to track issues statewide. The tracker is updated as new ballot measures are proposed and decided by voters.
Poll Results

Pulse: The Colorado Health Foundation Poll

The 2024 results are in!
Explore our interactive dashboard to better understand the priorities of Coloradans on a range of important health issues in 2024.

Policymaking Processes: Administrative Rulemaking

Get informed about opportunities for our state to consider changes to administrative rulemaking that could make the process more equitable for all Coloradans.
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