First Steps for Clinic Executive Leaders

Select a senior organizational leader to be the executive sponsor and a member of the portal team. Assign a project manager for the portal implementation project and determine the remaining members of the multi-disciplinary portal team. Share key organizational expectations, budgets, timelines and decision-making protocols with the portal team. Develop a communication plan that lays out key messages and identifies opportunities for collaboration within the clinic.

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First Steps for Portal Team Members

The portal team’s executive sponsor leads development of a project charter to capture goals, objectives, roles and key project management tasks. The portal team meets regularly to execute the project plan. The team relies on a dashboard of portal reports to measure the progress of the project and make adjustments to the project plan when needed.

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First Steps for Providers

A provider is selected as a departmental representative on the portal team, taking the lead in communicating portal benefits and success stories to their peers. Engaged providers are a powerful resource when enrolling patients and encouraging portal use.

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First Steps for Front-Line Staff

Front-line staff are ideally positioned to share information on portal benefits with patients. Identify one or more front-line staff workers to represent their colleagues’ concerns on the portal team and, in turn, to keep those colleagues updated on the portal project.

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First Steps for Health Information Technology Staff

Designate a member of your health information technology (HIT) staff with expertise in your electronic health record (EHR) to be a member of the portal team. Provide the portal team with information on the technical capabilities and limitations of the patient portal. Support development of the implementation project plan.

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