Access to Care

General Operating Support

Continue Mental Health America of Colorado's health systems advocacy, education and outreach, and strategic engagement activities.

Centura Health LINKS

Support for continued operation of the Centura Health LINKS program, to continue our application services to help eligible adults enroll in the Low Income Subsidy (LIS) and Medicare Savings Programs (MSP).

Assistance Network 2014-15

Conduct community-based education, outreach and in-person application and enrollment assistance that is conducted by Health Coverage Guides at 55 Assistance Sites across Colorado for the 2014-2015 open enrollment period.

The San Juan High Country Health Collaborative (SJHC2) - Phase II

Continue implementing SJHC2, a replicable rural health solution focused on improving the health of our rural region through sustainable programs that improve access, provide a positive care experience at reduced cost, and create a new healthcare model for rural areas. Our proposal also seeks continued support to supplement current unfunded program costs while we help move payment reform from volume/quantity based reimbursement to one based on value/quality of services. SJHC2 will continue to identify sustainable solutions that deliver value to our funders by improved outcomes, lower costs, and a healthy population through collaboration and community engagement.

Pediatric Community-Based Care Coordination for Original Aurora

Deploy four community health workers (CHWs) and one care coordinator to facilitate access to and improve the quality and cultural competence of medical care targeting pediatric patients and their families living in Aurora zip codes 80010 and 80011. Our CHWs promote health education and identify and remove barriers that prevent families from accessing needed preventive and primary care health services.

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