Local Implementation: Building a Comprehensive Physical Activity/Wellness Program

Englewood School District
4101 South Bannock
Englewood, CO 80110

Project Name
Local Implementation: Building a Comprehensive Physical Activity/Wellness Program
Grant Period
Geographic Area Served
Funding Opportunity
Creating Healthy Schools - Local Implementation
Project Description

Promote physical activity and wellness across the curriculum through the development of a systemic PE/Wellness curriculum built on highly developed units of study. Pacing guides K-12 have been built and a wellness cadre consisting of teachers and administrators that will use the CDE physical education and wellness units as a basis for writing curriculum units to fit the established Englewood schools pacing guides with a goal of meeting all the Colorado Health and Wellness Standards.

Congressional District

Grant details are accurate as of the original grant award. For more information about a specific grant, please contact [email protected].

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