Advocating for Impact
Advocacy is the act or process of influencing public policy. To help nonprofit organizations understand their opportunities to engage in various types of advocacy efforts and to have the tools to do so effectively, the Foundation hosts a series of events that share insights into advocacy tactics that influence policy made across the executive, judicial and legislative branches of government.
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Upcoming Convenings and Workshops
There are no upcoming events planned at this time. Questions? Contact us.
Past Events and Resources
Held on Dec. 16, this session provided a virtual opportunity to hear from Karen McNeil-Miller, President and CEO, and Jehan Benton-Clark, Senior Director of Advancing Equity and Justice, with The Colorado Health Foundation. They addressed the Foundation’s journey to center health equity and racial justice in its work. Participants were able to learn, discuss and engage in this unique opportunity to share insights with the Foundation on our work around equity.
In Sept. 2020, The Colorado Health Foundation hosted a virtual opportunity to engage fellow advocates to discuss, learn and identify strategies to address civic engagement within their own organization and together with other advocacy organizations.
In July 2020, The Colorado Health Foundation hosted a virtual opportunity for our advocacy grantees to engage with fellow advocates, review results of the 2019 Colorado’s Health Equity Advocacy Ecosystem Survey, and identify how the results can support advocacy efforts, especially considering impacts of COVID-19.
- Webinar recording
- Participant list
- 2019 Colorado's Health Equity Advocacy Ecosystem Survey Report
- Grantee Advocacy Convening Presentation Slides (7/15/20)
- VIDEO: This series of short recordings will share the results of the 2019 Health Equity Advocacy Ecosystem Survey, in partnership with Innovation Network. The videos share brief findings from the survey, as well as pose questions to start thinking about what these finding may mean for your organization.
- Feedback Form: We want to hear from you! Respond to a short feedback form to share your perspective, questions and/or ways that the Foundation can better support your work and the advocacy ecosystem in Colorado.
- An Introduction to Heartwired: Human Behavior, Strategic Opinion Research and the Audacious Pursuit of Social Change
- Request the complete Heartwired Strategy Guide
- 2018 Survey Results: Coloradans’ Perspectives on Health, Quality of Life, and Midterm Elections
- 2018 Survey Brief: Perspectives of Coloradans Living on Low Income
- 2018 Survey Brief: Perspectives of LGBT Coloradans
- Webinar
- Slides
- Other resources:
- TCC Group – Legal Advocacy: What Advocacy and Philanthropic Organizations Needs to Know
- Colorado Lawyers Committee – Legal Resources for Nonprofits
- 10 Best Practices for Foundations Supporting Advocacy
- Video: Step into the Fight: Philanthropy's Role in Legal Advocacy
- Legal Advocacy as a Strategy: An Undertaking of the Atlas Learning Project